Lacaze Energies is one of the subsidiaries of Groupe Cahors. Specialist in the field of domestic hot water production, hot water for heating as well as chilled water storage, Lacaze Energies benefits from the combined experience of an industrial group.
LACAZE ENERGIES is an ISO 9001:2008 Certified Company
*A large range of standardized products available in stock.
LACAZE ENERGIES has successfully anticipated growth by establishing itself in market. Developed as complete systems, each of our products integrates the best combination of components and materials to ensure 100% satisfaction in terms of performance, cost- effectiveness and reliability.
*To Determine Your Needs and Meet You’re Expectation
* Provide You with Constant Quality.
*Evolving is also about being able to listen. As a result, LACAZE ENERGIES pays special attention to every expressed need, from the receipt of the specifications to the maintenance of the equipment.
*With a Quality Policy shared by all our employees and based on an on-going commitment to improve processes, products and services, we place your satisfaction at the very heart of everything that we do.